Design Pattern
Design pattern is a solution of known problems.
These are strategies of solving commonly occurring problems. A design pattern
is not a finish design. It is like a template to solve a problem.
Singleton Design Pattern
Singleton is a software design
pattern. It is restrict to create object more than once. This is actually
needed when one object can perform its action in whole system. We frequently use
a database connection object to connect with database. We don’t need multiple objects
to create connection with database and close it. We can use singleton in this scenario.
Implementation of Singleton by C#
Step 1: Create EmployeeInfo class
This class is to hold employee
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Singleton { public class EmployeeInfo { public string EmpName { get; set; } public string EmpDesignation { get; set; } public int MonthlySalary { get; set; } } }
Step 2: Create a singleton class
Here EmployeeService is a singleton class.
Constructor of this class is private so that nobody can create its instance
from outside. Instance() is a static
method which creates instance of the singleton class. It actually forces that
only one instance of the object will be created. Lock() is used to create
instance of the singleton pattern in thread safe manner in multi threaded
environment. The other two methods are used to add employee information in list
and get employee salary. These two are as usual method. Don’t mix up
Singleton class and Static class. Keep in mind; in static class everything must
be static like Method, constructor, properties. But in singleton class it is
not required. Hope, you will be clear after the following example.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Singleton { ////// EmployeeService is a singleton class /// public class EmployeeService { //Static object of singleton class private static EmployeeService instance; private ListlstEmployeeInfo = null; /// public void AddEmployeeInfo(EmployeeInfo objEmployeeInfo) { lstEmployeeInfo.Add(objEmployeeInfo); } ////// Restrict to create object of Singleton class /// private EmployeeService() { if (lstEmployeeInfo == null) { lstEmployeeInfo = new List(); } } /// /// The static method to provide global access to the singleton object. /// ///Singleton object of EmployeeService class public static EmployeeService Instance() { if (instance == null) { //Thread safe singleton lock (typeof(EmployeeService)) { instance = new EmployeeService(); } } return instance; } ////// Add employee information to the Employee information list /// ////// Get Salary by Name /// /// ///Salary of Employee public int GetEmployeeSalaryByName(string name) { int monthlySalary = 0; foreach (EmployeeInfo objEmployeeInfo in lstEmployeeInfo) { if (objEmployeeInfo.EmpName.Contains(name)) monthlySalary = objEmployeeInfo.MonthlySalary; } return monthlySalary; } } }
Step 3: Access singleton class
This class creates an instance of singleton class by EmployeeService objEmployeeService = EmployeeService.Instance(); and access singleton
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Singleton { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { EmployeeInfo objEmpInfo1 = new EmployeeInfo() { EmpName = "Mahedee", EmpDesignation = "Senior Software Engineer", MonthlySalary = 00000 }; EmployeeInfo objEmpInfo2 = new EmployeeInfo() { EmpName = "Kamal", EmpDesignation = "Software Engineer", MonthlySalary = 30000 }; //Create a singleton object EmployeeService objEmployeeService = EmployeeService.Instance(); objEmployeeService.AddEmployeeInfo(objEmpInfo1); objEmployeeService.AddEmployeeInfo(objEmpInfo2); Console.WriteLine(objEmpInfo2.EmpName + " : " + objEmployeeService.GetEmployeeSalaryByName("Kamal")); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
This is nice article and very useful for a beginner.