21 April, 2012

Create, Drop, Insert, Update, Delete and Select – The Basic SQL

This topic for those who are very beginner of SQL. Here I will show some basic SQL by Microsoft SQL Server.

1.       Create a table: Here I created a table name hrm_employee. Here emp_gid is int type, primary key and identity. Identity means its value will increment automatically by the sql server. You don’t need to insert it’s value.

--Create Table : hrm_employee---
CREATE TABLE hrm_employee
      emp_fullnm VARCHAR(100),
      emp_nicknm VARCHAR(50),
      emp_designation VARCHAR(100)

2.       Insert data in hrm_employee table: In this occasion, I have inserted 3 data i.e 3 rows. If you see in closer look, you will see that I didn’t insert any value of emp_gid because it increments its value automatically because it is an identity column.

---Insert data ito table: hrm_employee----

-- Insert data i.e. row-1 ---
INSERT INTO hrm_employee
      , emp_nicknm
      , emp_designation
      'Md. Mahedee Hasan'
      , 'Mahedee'
      , 'Senior Software Engineer'

-- Insert data i.e. row-2 ---
INSERT INTO hrm_employee
      , emp_nicknm
      , emp_designation
      'Md. Asrafuzzaman'
      , 'Emon'
      , 'Senior Software Engineer'

-- Insert data i.e. row-3 ---
INSERT INTO hrm_employee
      , emp_nicknm
      , emp_designation
      'Md. Khondakar Enamul Haque'
      , 'Rony'
      , 'Broadcast Engineer'

4. Infromation Retrive: Get all information of hrm_employee. Here I showed two ways to retrive data and I suggest to use second one. Second one is best practiced.

--Get all data from hrm_employee--
SELECT * FROM hrm_employee
SELECT emp_gid, emp_fullnm, emp_nicknm, emp_designation FROM hrm_employee

5.  Update hrm_employee: Is very easy to update a row or multiple rows against a condition. Lets look on the following query.

--update data from table: hrm_employee --
UPDATE hrm_employee
SET emp_fullnm = 'M.K. Enamul Haque'
, emp_designation = 'Senior Broadcast Engineer'
WHERE emp_gid = 3

6. Delete Information: If you want to delete information from hrm_employee against a condition follow the query.

---Delete data from table: hrm_employee---
DELETE FROM hrm_employee WHERE emp_gid = 3

7. Drop Table: Drop table means remove table for database. Use the query to drop hrm_employee table.

---Drop table i.e remove table from Database--
DROP TABLE hrm_employee

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