
16 March, 2012

Professional Email Writing Etiquette

We often fell in a problem to write professional email. Actually professional email is much more different than casual or instant messenger. You can easily manage your employer or boss by email. On the contrary, it might be the cause of annoyance of your employer or manager. Now email is very popular in Job process. So, you must think before sending the email. You should read the content again before clicking the send button of email. I firmly believe that it is very easy to rule out than rule in. Here is some email writing tips:

Mind your manner:
Don’t forget to use basic polite word – thank you and please.

·         Introduce yourself as like you mentioned in cover letter. Example -
Dear Mr./Ms.
Or Dear Sir/Madam,
Because you don’t exactly know the gender of your mail recipient. If you exactly know your recipient gender then you can write either one.

·         In the subject of the mail, choose suitable title – why you are writing. Example – “Application for the post of Software Engineer” or “Application for Software Engineer Post”

·         It is our nature that we always just copy and pest the same email to multiple recipients. If you do this, make sure that the contact information of your recipient is correct.  Suppose,

HR Manager
LEADS Corporation Limited

·         If you are responding to an email, include the original message in the reply, so the receiver can put your email in the correct context.

·         Name you document like “your name_resume”. Employer receives lots of mail via email. You follow up your recruiters, If they received your mail. It is almost impossible to find out your CV from the hundreds email attachment.

·         Attach your CV format as recruiter wants. You can attach your cv in (pdf, rtf, doc) format.

Be formal, be professional:
·         Never use all capital letter. It is always difficult to read.
·         Always think your employer is formal.
·         Stay away from using abbreviation.
·         Don’t use emoticons (Smily faces).
·         It is always seen that sender uses some unprofessional sounding name for email such as –,  It will be a negative impact on the employer. Employer will get a negative idea about your interest from this mail address. Always avoid this type of email address.
·         Don’t use slang.

Be concise:
·         Email should be concise and short. Most of the time receiver don’t have patient to read a long email.  But keep in mind, to make it short, don’t leave any important details.

·         Before sending email – check your spelling and grammar. It’s better to review your email by others.

Sample Email


Subject: Application for the post of Software Engineer 

Dear Sir/Madam, 

This email is in response to the ad posted in the for the Software engineer position at xyz Company (Job Posting #123). Please accept the attached letter and resume as my application for thisposition. My skills and experience closely fit the posted job description, and I hope to hear from you soon. 

Thank you, 

Md. Tapu Rahman
Dhaka - 1204

 This is a sample and simple email. You should not think it as standard. I think, you will write better than this.

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